

liv­ing room has an inde­pen­dent form with­in the his­toric con­text of Gelnhausen. Not alien, not famil­iar, not off-putting, but tact­ful. It respects the geom­e­try and the small tra­di­tion­al scale, and makes the typol­o­gy clean­er. In accor­dance with con­ser­va­tion reg­u­la­tions it repli­cates the vol­ume and the geom­e­try of the old build­ing, and the win­dows respect the size and pro­por­tion of the ver­nac­u­lar. It gives order to its ele­va­tions and cov­ers every­thing with a uni­fy­ing mate­r­i­al: roof and wall — out­side and inside — all have the same smooth skin.

meetingroom 2

The house, almost mod­el-like, hides the details of its con­struc­tion and oper­a­tion: there are no roof tiles, no gut­ters, no win­dow han­dles. A struc­ture with an even rhythm of roof and wall, with sur­faces for art, yet poros­i­ty for light and views, no tec­ton­ics, no leg­i­ble storeys, a mere mem­brane between exte­ri­or and inte­ri­or.

meetingroom 3